User Permissions for Documents via Profile

Through profile settings, it is possible to configure which features users have access to in the Document module, such as who can approve documents or receive overriding access permissions to view all documents in the system.


1. Access to Documents

The Documents tab becomes visible when the profile settings are configured to grant users access to the Document module through the General settings of the respective profile.

2. Access to published documents

  • Documents you are allowed access to 

    • The default setting for access to published documents within a profile is configured to Documents you are allowed access to. Users with this profile setting do not possess any overriding rights, meaning they can only view documents for which they have permission based on the access settings established at the category level.
  • All documents (override access restrictions)

    • Det är även möjligt att ge användare i den aktuella profilen tillgång till Alla dokument (överskrid åtkomstskydd), vilket innebär att användare i profilen kan se alla dokument oavsett kategorins åtkomstinställningar. Denna inställning bör ni vara återhållsamma med och bara ge till de användare som har administrativa roller i systemet.
    • It is also possible to grant users in the current profile access to All documents (override access restrictions), which allows users in the profile to view all documents regardless of the category's access settings. This setting should be used sparingly and only granted to users who hold administrative roles within the system..
  • Comment and see comments on published documents

    • Users can also be granted the ability to Comment and see comments on published documents. The creator of the document always receives a notification whenever someone comments on a published document. This ensures that the creator can access the comments through the notification, even if the setting to view and comment is not enabled for that user.
      It is important to note that comments are accessible to all users who have the feature to comment and view comments on published documents activated.
  • Send notification from published documents

    • It is also possible to determine whether users belonging to the profile should have the ability to Send notification from published documents. Users with this setting enabled can also Inform concerned users after publication if the document pertains to them. For more information about the notification feature, please refer to the link provided here.


3. Search

The default setting for Search in Documents in new profiles allows access to both Free-text Search and Query Builder. However, you can modify this setting to restrict access to only one search method or disable search entirely.

    • Free-text Search allows users to search across all documents they have access to. Users can also filter results using the Only documents relevant to me function. The system displays the 13 most relevant results.
    • Query Builder allows for more specific searches, either through Standard Search or Advanced Search, where users can also save search queries.

4. Access to the archive

  • No access: The profile cannot access the archive (i.e., the Archive section under Document » Search is hidden). Users also cannot access previous versions of a published document via the document menu, even if they have publishing rights.
  • Access to archived editions: Users can view previous versions of published documents.
  • Override the access restrictions and get access to all documents in the archive: Users can archive and/or delete documents from the archive. 📌 See points 6.7 and 6.8 for additional required settings.

 5. Document and publishing rights

  • Create new documents

    • If you want users to have the ability to create documents and drafts, the setting Create new document must be enabled.
    • This profile setting is also a prerequisite for enabling the settings to Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates, as well as Approve and publish documents.

❗Important considerations before deciding to disable the Create New Documents feature:

  • Users belonging to this profile will no longer be able to view or manage their previously created drafts. This also includes drafts that were shared with them through the Share/Collaborate and Send for review features.

    💬 Please note that drafts are not deleted, meaning users can regain access to them if the Create New Document setting is re-enabled.
  • It is not possible to share documents using the Share/Collaborate and Send for Send for review features with users whose profile setting for Creating New Documents has been disabled.
  • If the user has either of the profile settings for Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates or Approve and Publish Documents, these settings will also be disabled, as they are interdependent.

  • Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates

    • To enable the setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates, the user must first have the Create new documents setting activated.
      • The setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates allows users to submit a document for approval. However, having this setting does not automatically grant users the ability to publish a document, as all documents must be approved before they can be published. For more information on the approval process for document publication, please refer to the section below.
      • In addition to being able to submit a document for approval, users with the profile setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates can also be selected to revise templates and create new drafts of published documents, provided they have access to the document. However, it is important to note that in order for users to revise templates, the Edit and Publish Templates" setting must also be enabled (📌 see point 6.10 below)
      • Users with the profile setting to Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates also have the capability to duplicate any published documents to which they have access. 
  • Approve and publish documents

    • To enable the setting for Approve and publish documents, the user must first have the Create New Documents setting activated.
      • When a document is submitted to the organization for approval, it must be approved by a user before it can be published. The setting for Approve and publish documents enables users to perform this action; however, each category has its own settings that determine which users are permitted to approve documents within that specific category. For more information about category settings, please refer to the relevant section in this article. This means that you can control which users are allowed to approve documents in various categories, but the selection can only be made from users who have the Approve and publish documents setting enabled.
  • Publish/change public links

    • There is also the option to grant users within this profile the ability to Publish/change public links, enabling them to utilize the feature for sharing documents publicly.

💬 Exempel
Users with the profile setting Create new documents (A) have the ability to create a drafts. While the document remains a draft, only the creator has access to it. The creator can choose to share the draft using the Share/Collaborate feature or send gor review to other colleagues.dokument_publicering_eng

In order for a user to submit a document for publication to the organization, the profile setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates (B) must be enabled. Users with this profile setting have the ability to propose that a draft be published within any categories to which they have access.

In order for the document to be published and made accessible to all authorized users, it must first be approved for publication. To approve a document, a user must have the profile setting for Approve and publish documents (C) enabled, and the user must be designated as an approver for the specific category in which the document falls. 

A user who has all three profile settings enabled can independently create, submit, and publish documents, provided that they have been designated as an approver in at least one category. For more detailed information on how to assign approvers within various categories, we recommend consulting the article that outlines category settings.


6. Administrate

This advanced functionality allows the creation of different levels of administrators. Here, you can define which administrative functions users in this profile will have access to.

  • 6.1 Access to all settings
    By enabling this option, users in the profile can manage all document settings under Documents » Settings. The options 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 below are automatically activated.
  • 6.2 Tags
    The profile can create tags under Documents » Settings, which can then be linked to documents during publication. These tags can be used for searches via Query Builder.
  • 6.3 Groups
    The profile can manage groups under Documents » Settings for access control and document/template revision. It is recommended to use groups whenever possible, as they are not person-specific, making administration easier.
  • 6.4 Categories (Overrides access protection - provides access to all documents)
    This function allows users to manage category settings, granting them overriding access, meaning they can see all documents in the system regardless of category-level access settings.
  • 6.5 Access to edit the document information on all published documents
    When this function is enabled, users in the profile are granted permission to edit document information on already published documents.
    • Users can:
      • Move the document to a different category
      • Change the document name
      • Modify information in extra fields or tags
    • Note: These changes are only possible if the information is not locked using the Locked fields on published documents function. (Document » Settings » Configuration)

Important to Know:

  • To edit document information on published documents, the profile must also have the setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates enabled (📌 see point 5).
  • If you are the creator or assigned as a reviser for a document, you can edit the document information even if your profile does not have the Access to edit document information on all published documents setting enabled.(📌 see point 6.5).
  • In addition to editing information on published documents, these settings also allow users in the profile to access new drafts of already published documents without requiring approval from the creator. Note: This only applies to documents the user has permission to access, not drafts that have never been published (i.e., drafts not linked to a published document).


    Users who only have the Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates setting (📌 see point 5).
  • can request access from the creator, meaning the creator must approve the request before the document is shared.
  • 6.6 Access to reading receipt statistics
    When this function is enabled, users in the profile gain access to information and statistics related to read acknowledgments. For more details, refer to the article The Concerns and Reading Receipt Settings
  • 6.7 Archive documents
    To archive a document, the user must first have the setting Category (Overrides access protection - provides access to all documents)(📌 see point 4). Once this is activated, the Archive Documents function can be enabled. When both settings are active, users in the profile can archive documents by clicking the archive icon in the document’s main menu.

    Users responsible for revising the document are notified when this occurs. Archived documents remain in the archive until they are manually deleted from the archive - see the next point.

  • 6.8 Delete archived documents
    To delete documents from the archive, the profile must first have the Override the access restrictions and get access to all documents in the archive setting enabled (📌 see point 4). Once this is activated, the Delete Documents from the Archive function can be enabled. When both settings are active, users in the profile are granted permission to delete documents from the archive, provided that no current edition is published.

❗Note: When a document is deleted from the archive, all versions of the document will be permanently removed!


  • 6.9 Delete/change public links that others have created
    To delete or modify public links created by other users, the profile must also have the Publish/change public links setting enabled (📌 see point 5). With this permission, users in the profile can edit and save changes to existing public links.
  • 6.10 Edit and publish templates
    Users with this setting enabled can edit existing templates and publish new templates.

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Last updated: 21 February, 2025