Who can read a document is entirely controlled by the "Access" setting, which is configured at the category level.
To gain access to a category, the profile must first have permissions for Documents enabled. This can be managed by navigating to Administrator » Profiles » Current Profile » General Settings. For more information on managing Document permissions within profile settings, please refer to this article.
Category Access
To set up access for a category, begin by clicking on Documents » Navigate (1). Locate the category for which you want to modify the access settings and click on the edit icon (2).
Access - Everybody
You have the option to grant access to all users, which allows anyone with the Documents module to view the documents within the specified category.
Access - Inactive
During the development of a category, it may be beneficial to restrict access to users with elevated permissions.
Access - Specific Users
If you wish to limit access within a category, you can use the same access settings, but instead of selecting Everybody, choose Specific Users. Once Specific Users is selected, only the users you designate will be granted access. Other users will NOT have access to the documents within the specified category or any subcategories. It is important to note that once access has been restricted, it cannot be expanded (made more accessible) in the subcategories of that particular category.
Once you have selected Specific Users, you can determine who will have access to the documents within the category in several ways:
- A. Groups: These can be created under Documents » Settings » Groups.
- B. Departments: These are established under Employees » Settings » Department and are centrally managed on each user's personal profile.
- C. Workspaces: Workspaces are set up under Administrator » Settings » Workspaces and assigned to individual user profiles.
- D. Users: New users can be added under Employees » New Person.
💬 Example: If you select the Workspaces "Företaget AB" and "Enhet X," all users belonging to these two Workspaces will be granted access. Additionally, if you include a group such as "Management Team," any users who are members of this group will also receive access. Therefore, for each category, you can choose a combination of specific users or user groups to manage access effectively.
Note: A user can only belong to one Workspace and one Department. For example, Anna may be part of the Workspace "Företaget AB" and the Department "HR," while Kim is also part of the Workspace "Företaget AB" but belongs to the Department "Production." However, a user can be a member of one or more Groups. This means that the same user can be selected multiple times; for instance, you can include the Workspace "Företaget AB," the Department "HR," and the Group "Management Team." Anna can be associated with all three, which is perfectly acceptable.
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Last updated: 13 February, 2025