This article explains how you can manually notify relevant users or alert users about specific documents.
To prevent overwhelming users with notifications, the system sends out a limited number of automatic alerts. As a result, when documents are published, the system does not automatically send notifications, regardless of whether a new document has been created or an existing document has been updated.
Users are expected to take responsibility for accessing the documentation themselves, for example, through descriptive process maps or by navigating to the menu Documents » My Documents and under To do. For more information about which documents are displayed in the My Documents menu, please refer to this article.
Note: To utilize the Inform concerned or Send Notification functions from a document, the user must have the profile setting Send notification from published documents enabled. You find information about this setting here.
Notify users affected by the relevant document.
Sometimes, it may be necessary to notify specific users about a particular document. If the user has the setting to Send notifications from published documents enabled in their profile, this can be done manually using one of the following two options.
1. Notify relevant users via the banner during document publication
Use the Inform concerned feature, which appears as a banner immediately after a document is published. This banner is displayed only once and directly after publication. If the user who published the document navigates away from the document, the banner will disappear and will not reappear if the user returns to the document.
Note: If the banner does not appear after a document is published, it is likely because the document does not pertain to any users. However, you can still use the Send Notification function described below, which allows you to select specific users to notify.
2. Through the "Send Notification" feature available in the menu
This function provides the same capabilities as the previously mentioned Inform concerned feature. When using the notification function (either Inform concerned (1) or Send Notification (2)), a dialog will appear allowing you to notify either All concerned users or Specific users, as well as providing an option to include a comment.
Note: The option to notify All concerned is available only if one of the following conditions is met:
- The user's profile includes the permissions to Send documents to the organisation and revise documents/templates, and they are actively revising the document (either personally or through a revision group).
- The user's profile has Access to edit the document information on all published documents
- The user has approved the document.
By clicking on the information icon, you can view a list of users affected by the specific document before sending the notification.
Once the notification is sent, the selected users will receive a message containing details about the document, along with any comments that were included.
Notify users who have not acknowledged a specific document.
To notify users who have not acknowledged a specific document, you can use the Show properties feature available in the menu while reviewing the document. In the Reading receipt section, you can view the status of which users have and have not acknowledged the document. From here, you can choose to notify all users or select a specific user to notify by clicking on the icons that resemble an envelope.
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Last updated: 12 February, 2025