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  3. Working with Documents

Working with Templates in AM System

Creating and using templates in the AM System is an effective method to standardize documents and improve workflow. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create, edit, and use templates.


Before you begin, it's important to ensure you have the necessary permissions. Managing templates requires the profile setting Edit and publish templates.

Note: It is not possible to create a template from a previously published document; you must use a document that has never been published or create a new document. If you have a document that is published and you wish to make it into a template, you must first use the Duplicate function (found in the document menu) to create a new draft.

Creating a New Template

  1. Navigera till Dokument » Mina dokument och välj Skapa nytt dokument. (Om du redan har ett utkast av ett dokument som aldrig blivit publicerad går det bra att använda det utkastet som en mall. Navigera då till utkastet och hoppa därefter till steg 4.)
  2. Välj mellan textdokument, layoutdokument eller skapa en bundling där du kan inkludera både text och layoutdokument beroende på ditt behov.
  3. Skapa innehållet i din mall.
  4. När du är nöjd med innehållet väljer du Publicera från menyn, men istället för att publicera dokumentet väljer du fliken "Mall" i den vänstra kolumnen (A).
  5. Här kan du ange namn på mallen (B), välja vem som ska ha åtkomst till den (C) samt bestämma om mallen ska revideras (D). Du kan även ställa in förifyllda publiceringsinställningar (E) som exempelvis förvald kategori och Godkännare för dokument som skapas med mallen.
  6. Publicera mallen genom att välja Publicera mall i internt mallbibliotek (F). Mallen blir då tillgänglig för alla användare med åtkomst till mallen.
  7. Navigate to Documents » My Documents and select Create new document. (If you already have a draft of a document that has never been published, you can use that draft as a template. Then navigate to the draft and skip to step 4.)
  8. Choose between a text document, layout document, or create a bundle where you can include both text and layout documents depending on your needs.
  9. Create the content for your template.
  10. Once you are satisfied with the content, select Publish from the menu, but instead of publishing the document, choose the "Template" tab on the left column (A).
  11. Here, you can name the template (B), select who will have access to it (C), and decide if the template should be revised (D). You can also set pre-filled publishing settings (E) such as the default category and Approver for documents created with the template.
  12. Publish the template by selecting Publish template in the internal template library (F). The template will then be available to all users with access to it.

    Skapa mall_eng


Using a Template

  1. Navigate to Documents » My Documents and select Create new document.
  2. Go to the Internal template library tab, choose the desired template, and click on Use this template.

Editing a Template

  1. Navigate to Documents » My Documents and select Create new document.
  2. Go to the Internal template library tab, choose the desired template, and click on Edit this template.
  3. Create a new edition and make your changes.
  4. Select Publish from the menu. Make any changes under prefilled publishing settings and choose Publish Template in internal template library.

Archive a Template

  1. Navigate to Documents » My Documents and select Create new document.
  2. Go to the Internal template library tab, choose the desired template, and click on Edit this template.
  3. Archive the template by selecting Archive from the menu.

Senast uppdaterad: 18 March, 2024