There are many different factors that can affect why a notification is not sent or does not reach the recipient. This article provides you with tips on how to troubleshoot if notifications do not seem to work as expected.

By notifications, we refer to the messages found under the Notifications option in the main menu. The system also allows users to forward their notifications to email. If you experience issues where the user receives notifications in the system but not via email, read more below.
The system essentially offers two types of notifications: Manual notifications and Automatic notifications, and these are handled differently by the system. This means that the troubleshooting methods also differ slightly.
Manual notifications
These are notifications that users can send when a case is created or modified, as well as via the Send Notification button found in the menu when a case is displayed.

The first step in troubleshooting a manually sent notification is to ensure that the notification was actually sent. Since manually sent notifications are initiated by and from a user, they are logged and saved only in the sender’s outbox, which can be found in the main menu under Notifications » Outbox (provided the user has not deleted the message or emptied their outbox). These types of manual notifications are not saved in the log of the relevant case. The reason for this is that manual notifications can often be personal, and it is therefore often preferable that they are not accessible to everyone with access to the case.
If the notification is found in the sender’s outbox but never reached the recipient’s inbox, please contact our support team. Include details such as who sent the notification, when it was sent, and who the recipients were.
Automatic notifications
Automatic notifications can be sent without user involvement. An example of such a notification is one triggered through the Addons feature Send Message, which can be activated on any form. These notifications can be troubleshot using the following steps:
1.) The first step in troubleshooting automatic notifications is to ensure that the notification was indeed sent. Unlike manual notifications, automatic notifications are not sent by a user but are sent by the AM System. Therefore, these notifications are not found in any outbox. Instead, they can be found in the case log of the relevant case, which you can view by selecting Show Events from the menu when reviewing a case.If a message has been triggered, a green icon will appear along with the name of the addon that was triggered. To the right of the name, there will also be a list of the person(s) notified if you chose to notify via a person field or a specific user. If you chose to notify via the email field type, only the field’s name will be displayed, not the address entered in the field.
- If the expected message addon is not found in this event list, we recommend reviewing your message addon to ensure it is configured correctly.
- If you see in the log that a message has been triggered but lack information about who been notified, it is possible that the field, group, or section may be hidden from the selected recipient.
2.) If there is information showing that your message addon has been triggered and the correct users were notified, the next step in troubleshooting is to determine why the notification did not reach the recipient.
- If you chose to notify a user in the system, i.e., used a person field or specific user, check whether the recipient has a notification in their inbox. The inbox can be found in the recipient’s main menu under Notifications » Inbox. All of the user’s notifications are located here, provided they have not deleted them.
- If you chose to notify via an email field, no notification is generated in the AM System; only an email is sent. If the recipient is missing the email, ensure that the email has not been blocked by their spam filter.
💬 If the user receives notifications in the system but not a copy via email
If the notification appears in the recipient’s "Inbox" in the system, but the recipient also expected an email with the notification, this could be due to one of the following:
- The user has disabled the Send a copy of all notifications in the system as emails function. Each user can control this setting by clicking on their name in the main menu, selecting My Settings » Settings
- The user does not have an email address entered in the Email field of their personnel card.
- The email has been caught in a spam filter in the user’s email client or on your email server.
- The email address has been blacklisted and therefore blocked. If you suspect this is the case, please contact our support team. Provide us with the email address you suspect has been blocked, and we can verify if this is the case.
Related Content:
- Addon - Send message
- Restrict access to sections, groups, or fields in a form
- User Permissions for Cases in a Profile
Last updated: 6 February, 2025