In the Password/Security function, you as an administrator have the ability to manage settings that affect the security of your system.
You can find this feature under Administrator » Settings » Password/Security. Here, you can configure how your users will gain access to your site based on the following points:
1. Password Management
1.1 Allow the users to retrieve their password through email
If you choose to enable this feature, Forgot your password link will be displayed on your login page, allowing users to easily request a password reset.
1.2 Allow "Keep me logged in"
If you choose to enable this feature, users will have the option to select "Keep me logged in" during their login process. This means that users will not need to enter their username and password again the next time they access the system from the same browser, as long as they do not actively choose to log out. Starting from version 6.2.009, users are limited to using the "Keep me logged in" feature on up to three (3) different browsers simultaneously. If a user reaches this limit and tries to enable the feature on an additional browser, the system will notify them and direct them to the settings where they can view and delete their previously saved logins. For more information on how users can manage their logins, please refer to the relevant article.
Please note:
- The Keep me logged in feature is distinct from the login session that users receive through their browser, which keeps them logged in for a shorter duration (approximately 15 minutes) as long as they remain active.
- Additionally, this feature is not applicable for users logging in with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD).Funktionen Håll mig inloggad används inte för användare som loggar in med Microsoft Entra ID (f.d Azure AD)
1.3 Enable two-factor authentication under My settings for user
This feature allows users to activate two-factor authentication (2FA) for their accounts, enhancing security. Users can enable this option through the My Settings menu. For detailed instructions on how to activate 2FA, please refer to the relevant article. It is important to note that as of now, administrators cannot enforce mandatory 2FA activation; each user must enable it manually.
Once a user has activated 2FA, only administrators have the ability to disable this feature for them.
Additionally, please be aware that the 2FA feature is not applicable for users logging in with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD).
1.4 Force changing of password at next login
As an administrator, you have the option to mandate that all users, or specific users, change their password upon their next login.
Please note that users who have utilized the Keep me logged in feature will be prompted to change their password only after they have logged out of the system.
2. Login settings
Here, you can configure how many login attempts a user can make and the duration of the account lockout before they can attempt to log in again. Alternatively, users can utilize the Forgot your password? feature if they are unable to log in.
3. Allow only login from following IP no
This feature enables you to specify which IP addresses are permitted to log into the system. By doing so, you can restrict access to your site to specific networks, enhancing security. To add IP addresses, simply click the plus icon. You can enter multiple addresses or IP ranges, which is especially useful if you have several offices or VPN tunnels that users utilize to access your site.
To modify or delete an IP range, click on the address in the From (IP-number) column.
Please note: Remember to activate this feature after adding the IP addresses! You can do this via the checkbox located to the right of the title. This feature can only be activated when you are on one of the specified IP addresses to prevent locking yourself out of the system.
4. Automatic login
The system offers a feature that allows users to access the document management system and its documents without requiring a login. This feature can be enabled and configured based on a range of IP addresses. However, please note that users utilizing this automatic login feature will have limited access since no personal login is performed.
This feature can only be linked to a profile with the following settings:
General settings: Administrator Settings: OFF
System & Functions: Only Document enabled
Only the following Document Settings may be active:
Access to published documents: Documents you are allowed access to
Search: Free text search
Access to the archive: No access
Document and publishing rights: No options
Administrate: No options
Related Content:
- Why doesn't the system accept my new password?
- Manage "Keep me logged in"
- General Settings of a profile
- My Settings
- Integrate AM System with Microsoft Entra ID
Last updated: 24 February, 2025