Numbers & Digits

Number & DigitsnumAndDig


The Date field type is used when you want users to input a date for specific events, such as:

  • When a task has been completed
  • When a task has been signed off/approved
  • When a task is scheduled to be performed

It is often beneficial to record dates for various events within a case, as this allows you to associate lead times with these date fields and set up automatic notifications and triggers.


The Time field type is ideal for situations where you need users to specify time in a form. For instance, if your form pertains to a meeting invitation, it becomes essential to capture both the start time and end time for each case created. By utilizing the Time field, you guide users to enter time in a standardized format, ensuring consistency and clarity across all submissions.


The Number field type is utilized when you need to perform mathematical calculations within a case and when you want users to input numerical values. You can associate this field type with your created units, such as currency, distance, or weight.

Please note that the Number field type must always be used in conjunction with the Calculation field type if you wish to perform calculations within the system.


The Slider field type is versatile and can be used for various purposes, including survey assessments, employee feedback, customer satisfaction evaluations, and risk assessments. Additionally, it can serve as a tool to gauge the progress of a project or assess team dynamics.

Experiment with the five different slider options available to identify the one or more that best suit your specific needs and applications.

Tip.You can effectively combine the Standard, Risk, and Temperature slider functions with the Calculation feature for enhanced data analysis and insights.


The Calculation field type is used when you need to perform mathematical computations within a case. To utilize this feature, select the Calculation field and configure the specific formulas or operations you want it to perform. You can associate this field type with your defined units, such as currency, distance, or weight.

Note. It's important to note that the Calculation field must always be used in conjunction with the Number field type to enable accurate calculations.

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Last updated: 14 February, 2025