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How the Share/Collaborate function works

This article explains how you can share a document with another user to collaborate on it

Invite Others to Collaborate

Since all types of document drafts are personal and accessible only to the user who created them, the Share/Collaborate feature allows additional users to add, modify, or remove information.


A user invited to collaborate on a document will have complete access to the document and its data, allowing them to modify any information within the shared draft.

❗Please note that the system does not support simultaneous editing of the same document by multiple users. If you attempt to edit a document while another user is already making changes, a blue information box will appear in the upper right corner of your browser to notify you of this situation.

To avoid the risk of overlapping work, it is advisable to refrain from making any changes to the document until the other user has finished their edits.


Make Another User the Creator of a Draft

There may be instances when you wish to transfer the responsibility of a draft entirely to another user, thereby making them the creator of the document. You can accomplish this as soon as the document has been shared with the other user by clicking on the arrow next to their name and selecting Choose as creator.


Request Access and Grant Access

In addition to the creator of a draft being able to share a document, other users can also request access to a specific draft of a previously published document.

Users who have permission to view a document and have the profile setting Send documents to the organization and revise documents/templates will be notified if a new draft is available for that document. This notification will appear in a dialog box above the document as shown in the image below.

Click on the document name displayed in this dialog to access the draft.new unpub editionIf you have access to the document, you will automatically be directed to the draft.

If you lack access, a dialog box will appear. The options available in this dialog will depend on your permissions within the system.

access newEd
1. Users without specific permissions will see a dialog box that allows them to request access to the current draft. Access to the draft must be approved by the creator before the user can gain entry.
2. Users who have the permission setting to Access to edit the document information on all published documents do not need to request access. Instead, they can simply select the option to Give me access, which does not require approval from the creator.


Every time a user saves a draft of a text document, all information is logged under Document Properties. This log allows for a comparison of changes made. Please note that this change log is only available for text documents and not for layout documents.


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Last updated: 18 February, 2025