How to Customize the Homepage in AM System

This article outlines the options available for selecting a homepage for your profiles in the system.

The homepage a user sees upon logging in is configured at the profile level.
For example, if Kalle belongs to the Production profile, you would change Kalle’s homepage via the Production profile.

Please note that all users belonging to the Production profile will share the same homepage.

You can find this setting under:

Administrator » Profiles » (Profile Name) » General Settings » Homepage.


Key Rules for Homepages

  • Each user can belong to only one profile.
  • A profile can have only one homepage.

Types of Homepages

A homepage can be one of the following:

  • Blank Page No homepage is selected, and the user is presented with a blank page upon login.
  • Direct Link to “My Cases” The user is taken directly to their “My Cases” section.
  • Direct Link to “My Documents” The user is taken directly to their “My Documents” section.
  • Navigate Links to the User’s Last Visited Category The system navigates to the most recently accessed category by the user.
  • Specific Document This option is ideal if you want to use, for example, a process map in the form of a layout document as the homepage.

Note: The prerequisites for all the options mentioned above are that the system/profile must have access to all modules in the AM System.

How Do I Create a Homepage?

The First Four Homepage Types

The first four homepage types in the list above are straightforward and require no further explanation. They also do not need any document creation for their respective functions.

Specific Document

The Specific Document option is perhaps the most common choice for a homepage and likely the most requested feature. The document doesn’t need to be of a particular type—it can be a standard text document, a layout document, or even a bundle containing a mix of text and layout documents.

Note: If the document is published in a category that a user cannot access, the user will not be able to view the document, even if it has been selected as the homepage for their profile.

Common Use Case: Process Map as a Homepage

Most customers create a process map in a layout document and set it as the homepage. Regardless of the document type you choose, ensure:

  • The document is published (not just a draft or template).
  • Users in the profile have access to the document.

Updating the Homepage

When a specific document is chosen as a profile’s homepage, it can be updated like any other document. When a new edition of the document is created and published, users in the associated profile will automatically see the latest edition.

You do not need to reconfigure the settings each time a new edition is published.

Important Notes on Bundling

Recommendation: Avoid using the document type Bundle as a homepage.

  • A Bundle is treated as a single document by the system, with all pages sharing the same document number.
  • This means a Bundle can only have one process owner, which can be problematic if multiple process owners are involved in the various parts of the bundle.
    • If a Bundle is selected as the homepage, users will always be directed to the first page of the bundle. Currently, the system does not support selecting a specific page within the Bundle as the homepage.

By understanding these guidelines, you can effectively choose and configure the appropriate homepage for your profiles in the system.

Last updated: 10 December, 2024