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  2. Document
  3. Manage editions and revise documents

Creating a Text Document, Publishing, and Creating a New Edition

The article outlines the process of creating, publishing, and updating documents in AM System. It explains the permission requirements and workflows for document management.

In AM System, you can create two types of documents: Text Documents and Layout Documents. If you want to include both Layout Documents and Text Documents under the same document number, you create what is called a Bundle.

This article provides short videos demonstrating how to create a text document, publish the document, and where to create a new edition after the document has been published.

Create a Document

The function to create a draft document can be found under Documents » My Documents » Create New Document. In the dialog box, first select the type of document you want to create. This guide shows how to create a text document and where your draft is saved after you click Save.

Please note that if the option to Create new document is not visible, it may be due to a profile setting managed by your administrator.

Publish a Document

Once you have completed your document, perhaps after a review round, it is time to publish it on your site. If you have permission to publish or the option to send the document for approval, the publish function will be visible in the document’s menu bar.

publish 2Here, we show how to publish a text document.

Publishing Settings

The person who approves a document is also the one who publishes it.

Requirements for Publishing a Document:

  • The document must be placed in a category.
  • The category settings determine, based on user profiles, who can approve/publish the document.

You have permission to publish:

  • If Extra Fields or Tags have been created on the site, the document can be tagged with them during publishing.
  • Tagging can also be done after the document has been published.
  • If the document has been previously published, the publisher can:
    • Describe what has changed in the new version.
    • Decide whether read confirmation should be required for the new version.

You have permission to send to the organization:

  • Before sending for approval, you can:
    • Describe what has changed in the version.
    • Decide whether read confirmation should be required.
    • The document can be shared with the approver. This allows minor corrections (e.g., spelling errors) to be fixed without interrupting the approval process.
    • The document header will indicate that the document has been sent for approval, and the sender has the option to cancel the approval request if needed.

Create a New Edition of a Document

When a published document needs to be updated, you create a new edition, which is published in the same way as the first edition. Requirements for Creating a New Edition, the user must have the profile setting: Send document to organization and Revise documents/templates

Upon publication, the document will receive a new version number.


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Last updated: 12 February, 2025