Print or Export a User List

This article explains how to create a PDF or Excel-format list of your users in the AM System..


To begin, access the main menu and navigate to Employees » Settings. Next, click on the link labeled Fields in Searchresults. This section allows you to customize the information that will appear in a standard printout (PDF) from your employee search results. Keep in mind that if you do not select any default values, the PDF will only display the first names of the individuals.

Search Results

If your goal is to create a list of all employees within the system, navigate to the menu option Employees » Show all. However, if you wish to generate a list of a specific selection of users, such as those in a particular profile, use Search to filter and find the desired group of users for export or printing.

Once you have made your selection, click on the printer icon located in the top left corner to continue.

Define Your List

In the dialog box that appears, you can select the language for your printout or export. Please note that the language selection will only affect the headings of the respective columns.

make_PDF_of_SearchresultsBy clicking on Search results, a PDF will be generated based on the values you defined in the "Preparation" step above.

Additionally, in the same dialog, you have the option to create your own customized printouts and exports by clicking on New. (If you already have existing print lists, you can edit them by clicking on the pencil icon that resembles a pen.)

export_userlist_engCreating New Print Lists

In this section, you have the opportunity to:

  • Name your list
  • Choose the format (PDF or Excel)
  • Select the fields/data to include in your printout or Excel file

Once you have made your selections, be sure to save your settings.

To generate the export, simply click on the name of your export, and the PDF or Excel file will begin to download.

Please note that the columns in the printout will be displayed in the order in which the fields were selected for printing. However, you can rearrange the order by selecting a field and using the up/down arrows to adjust its position.

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