In addition to managing their own settings or logging out, users can also access AM Support and stay updated with news and system updates
Please note that this article does not address service status. If you are unable to access our service for any reason, we recommend visiting first, where we provide updates on any potential issues.
Note that the features listed in section 3 will only be visible if your administrator has granted access to each specific function in your profile.
1.) My settings. These are the preferences that each
individual user can customize.
2.) Night mode. Here, you can set the system to display with a light or dark background to accommodate various working conditions.
3.) Features activated by Administrator:
- Newsroom. Here, you can read the latest publications from AM System.
- Release notes. As soon as we update AM to a new version, you can find information about improvements and fixes here.
- Help & feedback. This is where you can reach AM Support with any questions that aren't answered in our articles, or if you have a suggestion for improvement.
4.) Logout.
Last updated: 20 February, 2025