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  3. Working with Documents

Creating Links in Text Documents

From a Text Document, you can create links in multiple ways within your site. The function can be found in the second row of the menu bar.

In the menu of text documents, you will find the most commonly used functions for document administration. Additional functions, beyond those displayed in the first row, are hidden in the second row of the menu. To access the second row, click the three dots (A), which reveals more functions.To create a link within the document, use the link icon (B).


Link Function

In addition to linking to an external URL, the link function allows you to link to internal information within both the Documents and Case modules, provided you have the necessary access.

Highlight the text that should link to related information. Click the link icon in the toolbar. The dialog box will adjust based on the modules available on your site.

Available Link Options (when both the Case and Document modules are active):



1. Register any case. This links the user to the registration section of the Case Management module. The user will see the forms their profile has access to.

2. Register specific case. This links the user to the registration of a specific selected form. If the profile does not have access, a dialog will appear stating Access denied!

3. Query in Query Builder for Case. This allows you to create a search query, linking the user to the search results based on their profile access in the Case Management module.

4. My Cases. This links the user to the My Cases function, found in the left menu for each user under Case Management.


5. Specific document. This links the user directly to a specific document. If the profile does not have access, a dialog will appear stating "you do not have permission to view this document."

6. Navigate to category. You can choose to link the user to the site’s category tree in two ways: either to the Last visited category or to a Specific category.

7. Query in Query Builder for Documents. This allows you to create a search query, linking the user to the search results based on their profile permissions in the Document module.

8. My Documents. This links the user to the My Documents function, found in the left menu for each user under Document.


External link. This links to an external URL

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Last updated: 31 January, 2025