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Table Management

In this article, we provide some tips on the possibilities available with table management.

In this article, you will gain insight into:

  1. Table formatting
  2. How to remove empty rows between tables
  3. How to successfully copy a table

1. Table Formatting


To modify the appearance of a table beyond just changing colors and styles at the cell level, there are several predefined table formats that affect the table’s overall look.

Select a cell in the table, and a new dialog box will appear. Under the brush icon, you will find the available table formats to choose from.
The dialog box also includes additional functions for customizing the table’s appearance.

Tip 💬 tables 2

To better understand how the table will be displayed, save the document and exit the edit mode.

The image on the right clearly shows that, for example, AM theme and Minimal don't highlight individual cells.


2. Removing Empty RowsTabell Between Tables

To remove empty rows between tables, place the cursor in the first cell of the lower table. Then, using the left arrow key on your keyboard, move one step to the left. The cursor should now be on the left side of the table.

You can identify this position because the cursor will appear as tall as the height of the table. Then, use Backspace to delete all empty rows, bringing the tables together.

sammanfoga tabeller3. Copying a Table
Copying tables can sometimes be a bit tricky. When copying a table, make sure to select the entire table, including the empty rows above and below it.

If your table is directly adjacent to other tables or text, you may need to add an empty row above and/or below the table before selecting it. Once this is done, you can copy the table.

Note: When pasting the table, all cells, their formatting, and content will be included in the pasted table. However, the Table Format will not be carried over to the pasted table. This can easily be reapplied afterward if needed.


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Last updated: 27 January, 2025